24 Days of Giveaways Week 3 Roundup

Highlighting week 3 of the 24 Days of Giveaways we have PX Evangelists, Champions, Professors, and All-Stars all together showing the world how to create a more personal world.
Steve Casey, Bonnie Sparkman, Michael Redboard, Erica Plasse, and Morgan Ingram featured in week 3 of the 24 days of giveaways

This week was full of heavy PX hitters.

If you missed any features from the week, not to worry, we’ve compiled a roundup of all the winners of our 24 days of giveaways, week 3!

Steve Casey

Steve Casey PX Evangelist - Principle Analyst at Forrester

Steve Casey has spent more than 20 years highlighting companies in the B2B space for their innovation.

Well Steve, today we’re highlighting YOU for your work helping B2B companies understand how to create personal experiences at scale with technology.

Thank you for all your work Steve.

Bonnie Sparkman

Bonnie Sparkman PX Champion - NE Field Marketing Leader at Fortinet

“Bonnie is the champion people dream about! She is always on weekly calls, fighting to get things done internally, and persistent to get things done right!”

I mean…. Need we say more? Bonnie is the epitome of a PX Champion and we’re so glad we get the privilege of working with her.

Thank you for being you Bonnie.

Michael Redbord

Michael Redbord PX Professor - SVP Operations at SaasWorks

Mike we may not be able to deliver you TikTok stardom like you believe is your destiny, but how’s a “Thanks for being you” gift?

For real though, the entire internal team here – as well as many others – admire you not only for your dry humor but also for creating a framework for scaling a business in a way that’s more personal.

Thank you for teaching us and the world more about scaling PX!

Erica Plasse

Erica Plasse - PX Champion, Manager of Partner Marketing at Wex

Erica! As much as we wish we could send you on a vacation to the Amalfi Coast like you mentioned in your All-Star interview, we hope the gift in your inbox does the trick in the short term.

Erica is the champion that our team couldn’t live without! She always does a fantastic job organizing feedback from WEX stakeholders and distilling it down for us.

Not to mention Erica’s an Alyce All-Star and overall amazing person, aunt, teammate, and friend.

We appreciate you Erica!

Morgan Ingram

Morgan Ingram - PX Professor and Director of Sales Execution & Education at JB Sales Training

I feel like even though we hype up Morgan Ingram a lot, no one is hyping him enough enough. So let us just say right now we appreciate all you do Morgan.

From Muffins with Morgan to regular webinars and Linkedin posts, Morgan’s passion about helping his fellow sales professionals be more personal and successful in their jobs is so admirable.

Thank you for being the PX Professor the world needs, but doesn’t deserve.

December 18, 2020
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.