Tip Tuesday: Why Passing Leads From Sales To Marketing Can Help Align Your Teams

The most important reason our marketing and sales teams are successful is because of their thoughtful alignment and the close relationship they’ve created together.
Align marketing and sales teams by passing leads from sales to marketing to nurture

The most important reason our marketing and sales teams are successful is when our focus has been focused on our relationship and how we closely align with each other.

It’s not something that comes naturally, no, like any successful relationship it takes work. So we launched our Tuesday Tip series to give you a look under the hood and behind the curtain to share what we do to get our revenue generating teams on the same page.

Everyone agrees about the need for “marketing and sales alignment.” We’re all talking about it because we believe it’s the “silver bullet” to our success.

This week, our Direct of Demand Gen., Nina Butler, and Director of Sales, Danielle Tocci, sat down to discuss a radical practice we have here at Alyce:

The sales team passing leads to the marketing team. Mind blown!

Sometimes a person isn’t ready to hop on a demo but has come into the sales ecosystem either through a referral, a conference, or a networking event.

Making sure you have processes and systems in place to keep these leads engaged can help your sales colleagues later on if and when they are ready to buy.

By being tightly aligned, that handoff can be smooth for both the prospect and for your marketing team.

Do you have a list of prospects you email when you’re hosting a webinar, a weekly newsletter, or even more complex nurture streams based off of consumer intent?

Just add the prospect to those lists to keep them engaged with your brand while they contemplate the purchase of your product or service.

Don’t have lists like that set up just yet? Now is a great time to start. As you build a marketable database, making sure marketing is nurturing the leads that need a little more convincing and sales is working the leads that are ready to buy will create a better experience for your future customers and your internal teams.

How does your marketing and sales team align towards a common goal together?

Want to learn more about how you can start treating your prospects in a more personal way, and stop treating them like persona? Request a Demo to learn more about Alyce.

March 10, 2020
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.