Alyce Match Program Q2 2020 Highlights

This quarter, the Alyce Match Program will support two organizations who made a deep impact in the face of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Alyce Match Program Q2 2020

 In early 2020 we added over 350 charitable donations as gifts in our marketplace. Since then we have matched the most popular charitable cause every quarter to amplify our platform user’s commitments. With so many important groups needing support right now, we supercharged our contributions in Q2.

From Alyce’s internal culture, to how we interact with our customers, to how we build our product, we try to incorporate a “give first” mindset into everything we do as a company. That’s why in early 2020 we announced Charitable Donations as a gifting option for our customers to underpin our core value of giving first and giving consistently while providing them with another way to connect more personally with their prospects over the causes they care about most.

With the release of our donation-based gifting functionality in January 2020, our platform users have contributed well into the six figures to charitable organizations all around the world.  To mirror the generosity we see daily within the Alyce platform, we also announced the Alyce Match Program,  which matches the funds of the most donated-to organization each quarter. 

Alyce Match for Q2 2020

This past spring saw an unprecedented disruption to our world; two simultaneous global pandemics, COVID-19 and anti-Black racism, that continue to threaten the safety of communities far and wide. In light of this, it was especially inspiring to see so many of our customers seizing the opportunity to give back this quarter, setting another quarterly record for platform-wide donations, up 740% from Q2 2019.  

The most donated-to cause in Q2 was Feeding America, an organization that offsets the hunger crisis in America by providing food to people in need through a nationwide network of food banks. With so many communities affected by the economic downturn this spring, Feeding America provided countless meals to families in need. 

While we made a commitment to match donations to the most contributed-to organization in each quarter, June saw a surge in donations to one charity in particular – a surge unlike any we have seen. With protests and passionate activism erupting around our nation to combat racism and racial inequalities, your support for this movement made the Black Lives Matter organization the most contributed organization in June by over 3x – the second most contributed-to cause in Q2. 

The magnitude of support and outpouring of generosity from this community has inspired us to reimagine this quarter’s match. Instead of selecting just one charity, Alyce has made matching donations to both the Feeding America and Black Lives Matter causes this quarter.

The entire Alyce team is proud that we’ve been able to deliver a platform that can amplify the ever-evolving passions of our ecosystem, providing a chance for businesses to give back to the most timely causes. Supporting charities that help fight against world-wide crises can help bring a sense of “doing” to those who want to help but aren’t sure where to start. 

Want to learn more about the Alyce Match Program? Read on to see how much you’ve made an impact.

July 24, 2020
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.