Get Closer To Your Customers With These 8 Video Landing Pages Plays

Video is taking over the world - in a good way. Buyers are turning to video as their preferred content channel to learn more about the companies they want to do business with.
Video Landing Pages

I admit it, I downloaded TikTok. I’m not proud of it, but something has to be said for a 1-minute long video that tell a better story than some 500 page books.

And there’s a reason apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Linkedin have started leaning more into optimizing video content – video consumption has grown 32% year over year from 2013-2018.

Video is taking over the world – in a good way. Buyers are turning to video as their preferred content channel to learn more about the companies they want to do business with.

That’s why we recently launched Alyce Video Landing Pages.

Just having the same video across all of your gifting campaigns is a good starting point, but if you want to create personal moments with every person your company comes in contact with, changing up the videos you use on your video landing pages will help get your message across.

Here are 8 Plays To Get You Closer To Your Customers With Alyce Video Landing Pages

For Sales

  1. The Door-Opener
    The door opener is a critical to outbound marketing, it’s usually your first point of contact as a sales rep. This is your time to make a positive impression with the recipient on the other end. You’re already off on the right foot with a personal gift tailored to the person, but adding a custom video that shows your face and an introduction to your product or service can do wonders for fostering a stronger relationship with your customers.
  2. The Mid Sales Accelerator
    So you’ve already had your discovery call with a prospect and they’re interested in your product or service – amazing! But you start to get longer periods of time where you’re waiting for a response from your prospect. Get key stakeholders back to the table, create urgency, and stay top of mind by sending your main point of contact a digital gift with a video landing page. The video should reassure them that you’re there to help them solve their problems and re-establish your company’s value proposition.
  3. The Closed – Lost Re-Engagement
    It’s time to re-engage lost opportunities because you feel like your company is in a better place to close these accounts now. Send your old point of contact a custom gift that directs to a video landing page. That video should talk about all the new features and functionality that your company now offers to regain the attention from companies who are already familiar with your company and product offering.

For Marketing

  1. The Webinar Follow-Up
    A recent webinar or event went well and you had great participation from your audience. You want to continue conversations with qualified prospects, but it’s hard to keep their attention. So send all of your registrants a personal gift on a video landing page. The video on the landing page should highlight the value of your product or service, think about any explainer videos you have that could introduce top-of-funnel prospects to the value you provide.
  2. The Product Launch
    If your company creates physical goods or software, there’s a chance you’re going to be launching updates to features or new features entirely. When this happens, chances are you’ll be sending out communications to your customers to let them know about your new update. This is a great opportunity to introduce an overview video of the updated or new feature and offer up a gift as a thank you to your customers. This play can also be used to help with upsells and upgrades!
  3. The ABM Play
    If you’re running any Account Based Marketing programs, you’re trying to get the attention of a select number of companies out there. Once you do have their attention, use the precious time you have to explain why they should become a customer of yours. Include a custom video tailored to that account on your video landing page to make sure you’re really rolling out the red carpet for these accounts.

For Customer Marketing/Customer Success

  1. The Welcome Email
    If you have a customer success team that’s going to be onboarding new customers onto your platform, this is a great way to make sure you combat buyers remorse in your champions. Sending them a gift that leads to a video landing page can help you introduce yourself and the onboarding process to them, while also offering them a “welcome aboard” gift!
  2. The Milestone Celebration
    A great way to build affinity with your customers is to celebrate their milestones: Going live or the first time they reach a pivotal onboarding milestone. Sending them a quick congratulations video with a small gift can go a long way in creating “sticky” customers that have a real connection with your company and you as a customer success manager.

Want to learn more about how you can use personal gifting and video to create and advance relationships with your prospects and customers? Reach out!

April 9, 2020
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.