5 Ways to Use Vidyard and Alyce to Build More Pipeline

Use these five tips to combine the power of Vidyard with the power of Alyce’s to build more pipeline.
vidyard alyce build pipline

If you don’t know by now, we’re all about being personal here at Alyce. The more personal your outreach, the more engagement you get. More engagement means higher quality conversations and those conversions mean more pipeline for your business. We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to enable our customers to be as personal as possible with their prospects. Why not combine the power of Vidyard’s personal videos with Alyce’s personal gifting platform to build more pipeline? Together, you can now use Vidyard and Alyce to build pipeline.

How Video Impacts Your Pipeline

  • TikTok now has over 800 million users
  • Over 500 million people watch videos on Facebook
  • Instagram reports over 400 million daily active Stories users worldwide
  • And 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds.

It’s no longer an argument, it’s a fact: if you’re not on video, you’re behind. 

I’m not just talking about “you” as in “your company.”  I mean literally, YOU should be on video, in front of your prospects and customers as much as possible. Why? Video is one of the best ways to get and stay connected with your prospects and customers. 

Video allows you to be personal. It allows you to be relatable and relevant in a way that can be difficult with the written word. 

Vidyard and Alyce: Your Secret to Build More Pipeline

This is why we’re super excited to announce Alyce’s integration with Vidyard- the killer combination to help you deliver relatable and relevant video content to your prospects, paired with a personal Alyce gift so that you can drive more engagement and have higher quality conversations that lead to more pipeline for your business. 

Customers of both Alyce and Vidyard can now launch Vidyard within Alyce while sending a personal gift. From there they can either choose a video from their video library or record a new personal video to add to the Alyce gift landing page.  Adding video to landing pages has shown to improve engagement by up to 80%.  Not too shabby.  

use video to drive conversions on gifts

Furthermore, for Email Gift Invitations sent through Alyce, the video you select will be featured as a thumbnail within the email. This puts a face to the name upfront and makes your outreach even more personal and engaging.  

embed video in an email

Most importantly, Vidyard *also* found a video in your emails can improve click-through rates by up to 50%.

5 Ways to Build Pipeline with Vidyard and Alyce

With the ultimate pair for being personal now at your disposal, here are 5 ways you can start using Vidyard and Alyce to make your outreach more personal and more engaging: 

1. Personal Prospecting Video with a Gift

When attempting to start a conversation with a new prospect, it can be difficult to not only get their attention but to get them to respond.  To do both, combine a personal gift from Alyce with a personal video in Vidyard to let your prospect know you did your research, you selected something just for them that you think they’ll like, and record a video referencing the Alyce research to build rapport and set yourself apart from all the other generic sales-y pitches your prospect gets all day.  Because of the personal approach, your buyer will be more likely to want to work with you over the other guys.  

2. Quick Demo Video with a Gift for Prospecting

Sending a long-winded email to get your full product pitch across usually isn’t the best use of your time (nevermind the fact that your prospects won’t read it).  And including the full context for your outreach can be difficult when sending a personal gift as well.  Adding a personal demo or explainer video to your outreach can help.  Add a Vidyard video to your Alyce outreach as a quick explainer video or demo video (we recommend less than 90 seconds) so you can relate to their 9- to- 5 with your video, right along with the personal gift that allows you to relate to their 9- to- 5.  

3. Follow-up & Say Thank You with a Personal Video + Gift 

After you meet with a prospect or customer, the best way to stay top of mind and strengthen your relationship with them is to send them a thank you through Alyce, alongside a personal Vidyard video recapping your call and thanking them for their time.  Doing so will set you apart from the typical forgettable meeting follow-up email, by offering them something personal based on their interests, and showing you care enough to take the time to record a personal video just for them.  

4. Encourage Next Steps and Accelerate Sales Cycles 

Throughout a sales cycle, especially longer sales cycles, it can be extremely difficult to keep the attention of key stakeholders.  Re-engage those stakeholders throughout the sales cycle with an extra personal touch by sending a video talking through next steps alongside a personal gift that helps you relate and get them to respond.

5. CSM Intro for Onboarding

First impressions are everything.  The last thing you want is for your customer to be super excited to start leveraging your product or service, only for it to fall flat because of a poor onboarding experience.  Get your new customers PUMPED to start working with you and your team by having CSMs use Alyce to welcome customers with a personal gift, alongside a personal introduction video recorded with Vidyard to kick off an amazing customer experience.   

Personal takes Practice

The key to making an impact on pipeline is persistence. While these five suggestions are a great start, creating a truly personal experience with Vidyard and Alyce takes practice. Once you start with the basics, try experimenting with new approaches. The more often you iterate on the success of your approaches, the more you’ll drive the results you want to see.  

Want to learn more? Vidyard for Alyce is available now for all Vidyard Enterprise customers who use Alyce.

July 9, 2020
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.