How to Write the Perfect Gift Invitation Message

Gift recipients are loving those subject lines, and your open rates are on the incline. Now that your prospects are seeing your messages, how do you write the perfect gift invitation message that results in more meetings? The body of your…

Gift recipients are loving those subject lines, and your open rates are on the incline. Now that your prospects are seeing your messages, how do you write the perfect gift invitation message that results in more meetings?

The body of your email carries a whole host of responsibilities: it sets the tone of the relationship, it builds rapport, and if it’s crafted well it will earn enough trust to get that coveted meeting. 

We’ve broken down the 3 key ingredients to writing a message to save you the heartache of sending gifts into the abyss.

The 3-Step Formula to Writing the Perfect Gift Invitation Message


Step 1: Opener with Relatability and Relevancy

The Opener is the most critical variable in a message. It can either be an intriguing invitation to keep reading the message or a deterrent for those on the receiving end. 

The Opener establishes the tone of the relationship and orients the gift recipient to the type of interaction they’re receiving. The first step to writing a compelling opener is to disarm any “sales tension” in the interaction by leading with relatability and relevancy. 

“Noticed you’ve got a race coming up, so I wanted to send you this donation to support your ride.”


Deconstructing the message above, this gift and opener is clearly meant for no one other than the gift recipient. This establishes a meaningful moment establishing a bond between you and your prospect. Not only that, but the intent of the gift also demonstrates their understanding and enthusiasm towards what makes that person tick. 

The gift messages that are the most relatable celebrate the #5to9™ and give the person a one-to-one moment. 

That attention to detail and bond go a long way when establishing and building rapport. 

Step 2: The Power of Choice 

“Ultimately the choice is yours so feel free to browse if you’d like to exchange the gift for something you might enjoy more.” 


The ability to chose a gift for one that is more useful demonstrates how much you respect recipient and what they deem as valuable or useful. By giving a gift recipient the option to choose, you’re opening an opportunity for you to learn what they really care about. It’s a quick and impactful way to build rapport and earn trust with the person behind the persona.

Step 3: Respectfully Make the Ask

Since you’ve taken the time to select the best-fit contacts and ideally you’ve used behavioral data to know that it’s the right time to reach out to them, providing context – or relevancy – of your outreach makes it easier to make the ask.


Even if they like your gift, this isn’t enough to motivate a gift recipient to continue to engage with you. This final part of your message is the incentive to take action. 

With click-through-rates down to 3.1%, every email you send should have a clear, value exchange for the recipient’s most valued resource – time. Your message should be crafted to drive relevancy and urgency to the problems you can solve together in their 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Wrapping Up the Perfect Gift Invitation Message

They say that actions speak louder than words, and what you do after you send the gift with it’s well-written message is just as important as the research and time you’ve invested in the outreach. A well-executed follow up to your gift will make all the difference in the results your personal gifting strategy yields. 

What have you found that works in your gift invitations message? We want to hear from you; share your tips below!

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

February 10, 2021
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.