How To Assign Gift Invitations to Team members

Hi! My name is Brianna Van Tuinen and I am a Product Marketer here at Alyce.  Today, I want to walk you through the Team Settings and show you How to Assign Invitations to Team Members. Note: You’ll need to…
How to Assign Gift Invitations to Team Members

Hi! My name is Brianna Van Tuinen and I am a Product Marketer here at Alyce. 

Today, I want to walk you through the Team Settings and show you How to Assign Invitations to Team Members.

Note: You’ll need to have administrator privileges to edit team settings. 

Before we get started, invitations are assigned on the campaign level. You’ll need to do this when you set up a campaign, and you can adjust it at any time. If you want to learn more about campaign setup, watch our “How to Set Up a Campaign” video.

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: To adjust the invitations for team members in a campaign, click on your name and select “campaign settings

Step 2: From here find the campaign you want to adjust. You can click on the “All Teams” dropdown to find campaigns for a specific team. Once you’ve found the campaign you’re looking for, select it. 

Step 3: You’ll be brought to Settings and permissions for your selected campaign. Click ‘gift invites” in the top menu. Look for gift limits in this menu and select change beside it.

Step 4: Click change next to Gift limits. Each rep has a limited amount of gifts they can send during a time period. You can change the number of gifts or the time period. You can also choose to allot reps gifts once, and not reset the time period. 

As you can see here, Burt’s is able to send 60 gifts total during this campaign. 

Click save. And that’s it!

I hope this showed you how easy it is to update a team member’s invitation allotment.

Happy gifting!

September 8, 2020
Nina Butler
Nina Butler

A born-again Bostonian and Martha’s Vineyard native (yes, people do actually live there year-round), I attribute my passion for making personal connections in my personal and professional life to my neighborly Island roots. I joined Team Alyce in January 2019 to be a part of a bigger story and have a little fun while doing it :) . While not riding the startup roller coaster, I love spending time traveling with my unbearably cute niece and nephew, attending New England sports championship parades and taking in the sun and sea at my favorite local beaches.