Alyce All-Stars Featuring Kristin Keefer

Learn how outdoors enthusiast, health nut, and personal finance wiz Kristin Keefer is a Personal Experience All Star!
Kristin Keefer, Senior Manager of Marketing Operations

About this program

The Alyce All-Stars program exists to highlight Alyce Customers and Friends who have mastered the art of “personal experience.”

An All-Star prioritizes Building Rapport, Earning Trust, and Generating Loyalty over making someone feel like just another face in the crowd.

All-Stars challenge the status quo and – while they’re not officially Alyce employees – we consider them an extension of our team. They find creative ways to infuse our core values of Give First, Give Consistently, Be Crafty, Seize the Present, and Unwrap the Possibility into their unique way of doing business.

This week’s All-Star is Kristin Keefer, Senior Manager of Marketing Operations at AvidXchange

Kristin Keefer Alyce All-Star

Learn More About Kristin Keefer

Q: Share with us some of your personal interests?
I’m very outdoorsy, so given the chance I would like to live in the woods in a cabin. I was also a cross country runner for the greater part of 15 years and I still love running but recently I’ve also taken up rock climbing, which goes along with the outdoors activities. I’m also really into nutrition and health, I love healthy eating and went to school for sustainability and environmental science so that’s definitely a large part of who I am. And I have a twin sister I”m really close with.

Q: What was your first screen name?
Oh gosh I was a huge Atlanta Braves fan so I think my first email was braves lover or something like that.

Q: What song is on repeat right now for you?
A song called Homebody by a Canadian band called The Valley. I like alternative and indie music on a regular basis but won’t listen to it if I”m running usually.

Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a nurse, I have a lot of family members in the health and medical industry but I grew up with a fear of needles and generally don’t love the amount of gore you see in the job.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about the place where you live? Why and how do you take advantage of it?
I live in Atlanta right now and love that you are in a city but you’re also 30-45 minutes away from nature and some beautiful green space. I grew up in Denver so I love having nature at my fingertips while still being in a city where things are happening.

Q: What would be the title of your memoir?
So my girl friends and I always joke that if we had a podcast we would call it Growing Up Awkward, so I think that’s what I would call my memoir.

Q: What’s something you consider yourself to be ok at but not great at?
Probably cooking, I think I’m ok at it. My mom and my grandmother were incredible cooks and so I thought that I would grow up and inherit that skill – which I unfortunately didn’t. I wouldn’t say I’m an amazing cook but I am definitely doing it and having fun.

Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?
My parents instilled in me a sense of financial responsibility and literacy and I think those lessons, early on in my life have been invaluable. I am able to live debt free and the impact of that education will be there for my whole life.

Q: Beach, safari, or forest vacation?
I’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go on a Safari when I studied in Zambia and Kenya so I think I would have to say beach. But a really amazing, exotic beach off the coast of Italy or Madagascar or something.

Q: If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Having a strong sense of self is important. Keeping true to your outlook on life and your sense of self is really impactful as you get older because you’ll become more confident and self assured.

Q: Would you rather be an olympic gold medalist or win a nobel prize? And why?
There’s a documentary about Olympic athletes coming back from the games and they lose their sense of self because they’ve achieved the highest level of success for their chosen path and now they don’t know what to do and I don’t think I would want to go through that. So I think with the Nobel Prize being a lifelong journey of research with a larger impact on the world I would rather do that.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl? How do you like to start your day?
If I’m being honest with myself I’m definitely a night owl but I can get into my zone from 9am to Noon no problem.

Q: How did you meet your childhood best friend?
Well, my twin sister was my first best friend. But I was homeschooled for several years and went back to t school and I was petrified of public school. The teacher brought me into the classroom, pulled over a girl to be my buddy and we decided we would be best friends. She’s still in Denver but we’re still friends!

Q: If you could live through any event in history, what event would that be? Why would you want to live through that event?
I feel like so much happened at the turn of the century, in the 80’s and 90’s in terms of technological advancements I think I would want to be alive to experience it. I would want to know if I would still end up in tech if I were to have graduated college around that time.


August 6, 2021
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.