Alyce All-Stars Featuring Danielle Brody

Learn more about what makes at-home yogi, boy mom, and night owl Danielle Brody such a Personal Experience All-Star!

About this program

The Alyce All-Stars program exists to highlight Alyce Customers and Friends who have mastered the art of “personal experience.”

An All-Star prioritizes Building Rapport, Earning Trust, and Generating Loyalty over making someone feel like just another face in the crowd.

All-Stars challenge the status quo and – while they’re not officially Alyce employees – we consider them an extension of our team. They find creative ways to infuse our core values of Give First, Give Consistently, Be Crafty, Seize the Present, and Unwrap the Possibility into their unique way of doing business.

This week’s All-Star is Danielle Brody, Sales Development Representative at Infinidat!

Personal Experience All-Star Danille Brody

Learn More About Danielle Brody

Q: Share with us some of your personal interests?

I love yoga and taking walks after dinner. I especially love spending as much time as possible with my son. With a full time job, college and my fiance and son, my own hobbies have diminished, but I’m still holding strong as much as possible with yoga. I also love cooking and hosting big family dinners.

Q: What was your first AIM screen name?

I think it was AOL and it was my childhood nickname Dani and then I added the classic emoticon of the <3 heart at the end of course.

Q: What song is on repeat right now for you?

Only The Good Die Young, it’s a great song to just jam to.

Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A lawyer – I love to debate people and defend strongly what I believe in. If I feel especially strongly about something, I’ll go to the mat for it.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about the place where you live? Why and how do you take advantage of it?

Ironically, I actually live in the exact same town I was born in. I didn’t grow up there, but I moved back in my early 20s. It’s townie, where you can just drive a couple miles to stores, restaurants, all kinds of interesting things to do. It has the best of both worlds.

Q: What would be the title of your first music album?

Rollercoaster. I feel like everyone’s life is a rollercoaster so people could relate to it but it’s also intriguing to find out what my rollercoaster has looked like. Everyone has their highs and their lows but in the end the only thing that matters is you enjoyed the ride, which I have. I look at everything as a learning experience.

Q: What’s something you consider yourself to be ok at but not great at?

I’m not great at running. I feel like my legs are like Gumby, but I still do it. I continue to work hard at it and get better and better. Not volunteering for a 5K, but feel great after love the feeling after a good run.

Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

Definitely my son, I never expected to be a mom. I never really had that in my plan when I was growing up. I was more focused on my career and college. But I’m blessed beyond words with a healthy, happy and smart son, who has just a little bit of the 4 year old attitude, but wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’m so appreciative that I had the opportunity to become a mom, it has taught me more about life that you just can’t learn in college.

Q: Beach, safari, or forest vacation?

Safari, I love white tigers and hope one day to see one close up!

Q: If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Slow down and take a breath because I just turned 30 and I feel like the last 15 years of my life flew by in an instant. Looking back, I wish that I just slowed down and maybe traveled more and experienced the world a bit more.

Q: Would you rather be an olympic gold medalist or win a nobel prize? And why?

I would say my first choice would be a Nobel prize, but I also would love to win an Olympic Medal just to show that I could do it. That I pushed my body to the fullest and I did it. If I could wave a magic wand I would be an Olympic Gymnast, they’re all muscle.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl? How do you like to start your day?

A night owl, I’ve been one my whole life. But I really wake up at nine o’clock at night and can get in the zone.

Q: How did you meet your childhood best friend?

We met in sixth grade, she had just moved to my town. She was kind of a loud mouth, but I loved it because we were in a very small town. Everyone kind of kept to themselves and she kind of just said what was on her mind.

I thought that was so great. And we are still friends till this day. I actually saw her on Saturday and both of our kids are the same age.

Q: If you could live through any event in history, what event would that be? Why would you want to live through that event?

The roaring twenties for sure. To live in Gatsby time has always been so appealing to me.

June 11, 2021
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.